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Environmental Working Group C2A

Many of Maine’s utility companies offer residential and business electricity customers the option to switch some or all of their electricity to a green power source. Choose the option that best suits your home, business or nonprofit, to maximize demand of clean, renewable energy, while reducing your carbon footprint.

Demand for renewable energy production drives economic and job growth, reduces greenhouse emissions, strengthens national and energy security and reduces national healthcare expenditures. While the U.S. accounts for only 4.5% of the world’s population, we consume nearly 20% of its energy production. Electric power generation in the U.S. contributed to 35% of greenhouse gas emissions produced in 2016, while the burning of fossil fuels for heat and electricity worldwide, and creates nearly half the pollution responsible for climate change. Scientists believe that more than a 1.5°C increase in average global temperature will lead to wide-scale disruptions in weather, fresh water supplies, food crop yields, and an increase in rising sea levels.  

Learn more about the green options the companies below offer for renters, homeowners, nonprofits, municipalities, businesses and commercial entities.

  • Arcadia Power offers a free plan to customers that replaces 50% of their monthly usage with wind power. For a fee, you can upgrade to a premium plan, switching your entire electricity to wind power.
  • Maine Green Power is an initiative of the Maine Public Utilities Commission, that works with Central Maine Power and districts covered by Emera Maine to offer customers the option of supporting renewable energy for an additional fee ($4.95-$35.80 a month, depending on how much you purchase). That fee is used to purchase “blocks” of renewable energy generated in Maine, which are added to the regional power grid. Energy in the grid that comes from renewable sources reduces the need for electricity generated by fossil fuels.
  • C.N. Brown offers a Green Choice plan that produces 100% of your electricity from wind, solar and hydro sources. These plans are good for renters, homeowners and small businesses using less than 3,000 kWh/month. Visit their FAQ page.
  • ReVision Energy is a renewable energy company that designs and installs solar energy systems. This requires a larger up-front investment but provides access to solar ownership. For more information visit their FAQ page.
  • Sundog Solar offers Solar Purchase Power Agreements. The company will install the equipment for free; you purchase the electricity the panels produce at a predetermined rate and length of time. At the end of the contract term, customers have the option to purchase the system.