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Gun Violence Prevention 

Here are our Calls to Action, Guides, and Explainers on the prevention of gun violence. Interested in helping us track legislation and policy on this topic at the state or federal level? Find out how you can take action with us.



After every mass shooting tragedy, gun safety opponents turn to the same tired excuses and weak arguments. We have what you need to debunk their spin.
Check out our list of the most powerful gun violence statistics and find rebuttals to common arguments against gun safety legislation.  

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WHAT’S NEW: Read SUM’s latest newsletter

WHAT’S NEW: Read SUM’s latest newsletter

Latest news: The For the People Act gets a vote in the Senate. And while other states have passed strict voter suppression laws, Maine is passing bills to make voting easier and more secure. We have more on that and a run-down of the latest legislative victories. Read SUM’s latest newsletter to get caught up on our current actions!

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BLOCK EXTREMIST & UNQUALIFIED JUDGES: No Zealots in Lifetime Positions

BLOCK EXTREMIST & UNQUALIFIED JUDGES: No Zealots in Lifetime Positions

We’re tracking the most concerning nominees to lifetime judicial appointments, in partnership with other progressive groups. Justin Walker, a nominee to the DC Court of Appeals, opposes the ACA, unions, and civil rights and is the latest in a long line of extremist, unqualified nominees.
QUICK ACTION: Learn more about Walker’s extremist record and tell Collins and King to vote NO on his confirmation.

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SUPPORT ERPO BILL: Reduce Suicide & Domestic Violence Gun Deaths

SUPPORT ERPO BILL: Reduce Suicide & Domestic Violence Gun Deaths

Last year’s “ERPO” bill was vetoed by Gov. LePage, but a new bill, LD 1312, has just been introduced. Extreme Risk Protection Orders reduce gun-related suicides and domestic violence homicides by temporarily suspending access to firearms for people who are a danger to themselves or others.
QUICK ACTION: Submit testimony in support of the bill and contact your legislators and Gov. Mills! 

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PROTECT TITLE IX: Oppose Protection Rollbacks for Student Survivors

PROTECT TITLE IX: Oppose Protection Rollbacks for Student Survivors

The Trump administration has issued new Title IX regulations that would make it harder for students who are sexually assaulted to report the assaults. More than 100,000 comments were submitted during the public comment period on the rule, with the vast majority in opposition. QUICK ACTION: Stay tuned for updates and ask Reps. Pingree and Golden to support 3 bills in the House that protect Title IX.

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Take Action: Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Take Action: Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Communities around Maine are holding events during Domestic Violence Awareness Month in October to draw attention to intimate partner violence and rally support for prevention efforts. Take action and attend an event near you!

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BAN BUMP STOCKS: Submit a Public Comment by June 27

BAN BUMP STOCKS: Submit a Public Comment by June 27

The ATF has proposed a rule that would ban bump stocks under the National Firearms Act, and the public comment period is open until June 27. Gun rights activists have already added tens of thousands of comments opposing the measure. QUICK ACTION: Submit your comment before the deadline, voicing your support for the rule change.

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Speed Dial Congress

Sen. Angus King, Jr. (I):
(202) 224-5344
Sen. Susan Collins (R):
(202) 224-2523
Chellie Pingree (D):
(202) 225-6116
Rep. Jared Golden (D):
(202) 225-6306

For full contact info, including numbers for district offices in Maine, visit our Civic Dashboard.

Speed Dial Maine Legislature

Maine House:
Maine Senate:
TTY: Use Maine Relay 711

Leave a message for your legislators with your name, town, legislator’s name, bill number, and how you’d like her/him to vote.

Find your legislators on our CIVIC DASHBOARD.