Here are our Calls to Action, Guides, and Explainers on the media, First Amendment, and combatting propaganda and misinformation. Interested in helping us track these issues and develop new resources? Take action with us.
DO THIS, NOT THAT: Stop The Spread of False Information on Social Media
Hoaxes, fabricated stories, and misinformation spread like wildfire on social media sites. Learn how to identify false stories, report hoaxes, correct inaccuracies and #ProtectTheTruth with eight powerful tips.
SHARE YOUR OPINION: Letter to the Editor Guide
Letters to the editor are one of the most effective ways to share your concerns about important issues with fellow constituents locally and across the state.
QUICK ACTION: Find tips on writing effective letters, contact info for Maine newspapers, and more in our LTE Guide!
Trump’s attacks on the press are escalating and now a conservative group with ties to the White House is ramping up a pre-election effort to discredit reporters—and their families—at news outlets whose reporting has uncovered unflattering, unethical, and potentially illegal actions by the president, his administration, and associates.
QUICK ACTION: Support the work of reputable journalists by subscribing to local and national outlets and building your own diversified press room.
PROTECT PERSONAL DATA: Secure Your Online Accounts and Devices
Facebook failed to protect its users’ personal information from exploitation by third parties interested in manipulating voters.
QUICK ACTION: Follow these steps to secure your devices and online accounts, and protect your private data from prying eyes and bad actors.
WHOSE NEWS? Take Back Control of Your Facebook News Feed
Facebook recently changed the way users see posts in their News Feed, choosing the content THEY think you should see first. As a result, you may be missing important posts, updates, events, and calls to action.
QUICK ACTION: Take back control of your news feed in a few easy steps.
NET NEUTRALITY: Defend Internet Freedom in FCC Vote
The Senate voted to restore the net neutrality regulations that protect our internet freedom which were eliminated by Trump’s FCC earlier this year. Now the issue heads to the House where its fate is less certain.
QUICK ACTION: Thank Senators Collins, King, and Rep. Pingree for supporting net neutrality, and tell Rep. Poliquin that rural residents and small businesses depend on the freedom and access to the internet that net neutrality provides.
SINCLAIR PROPAGANDA: Fight Back Against Far-Right Control of Local TV
Ultra-conservative Sinclair Broadcasting Group forces its affiliates to air “must run” segments that attack the press and promote pro-Trump propaganda, and is about to expand its reach to 7 out of 10 American homes.
QUICK ACTION: Tell Maine’s Sinclair-owned stations, WGME CBS 13 and WPFO FOX 23 (207-797-1313), that you refuse to watch propaganda, and ask your Rep to support HR 3478, limiting the number of stations Sinclair could own.
DO THIS, NOT THAT: How To Effectively Resist Trump on Social Media
Want to know how to effectively fight Trump’s messaging on social media? Here are our Top 5 do’s and don’ts, including when it is appropriate to use the term “numb as a hake.”