Federal Government

Joseph R. Biden (D)
Joe Biden was sworn in as the 46th president on Jan. 20, 2021.
(202) 456-1111 or (202) 456-1414
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Vice President
Kamala Harris (D)
Kamala Harris is the 49th Vice President and the first woman and first Black and Asian American to hold this position.
(202) 456-1111 or (202) 456-1414
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U.S. Senators
Susan Collins (R) is Maine’s senior senator and has served in the Senate since 1996. She is chair of the Special Committee on Aging and is a member of 3 committees: Intelligence, Appropriations, and Health, Education, Labor and Pensions.
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District offices: Augusta: (207) 622-8414; Bangor: (207) 945-0417; Biddeford: (207) 283-1101; Caribou: (207) 493-7873; Lewiston: (207) 784-6969; Portland: (207) 780-3575; or DC (202) 224-2523
Angus King, Jr. (I) is Maine’s junior senator and has served in the Senate since 2013. He serves on 4 committees: Intelligence, Armed Services, Energy & Natural Resources, and Rules & Administration.
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District offices: Augusta: (207) 622-8292; Bangor: (207) 945-8000; Biddeford: (207) 352-5216; Presque Isle: (207) 764-5124; DC: (202) 224-5344
U.S. Representatives
Chellie Pingree (D) has represented Maine’s First Congressional district (CD1) since 2009. She is the Chair of the House Appropriations Committee Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies, a powerful position that oversees discretionary spending for the Department of the Interior, the Environmental Protection Agency, US Forest Service, and several agencies related to the arts and humanities. She also serves on the House Agricultural Committee and the House Appropriations subcommittees on Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, & Related Committees, and Agriculture, Rural Development, Food & Drug Administration.
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District offices: Portland: (207) 774-5019; Waterville: (207) 873-5713, DC: (202) 225-6116.
Jared Golden (D) has represented Maine’s Second Congressional district (CD2) since 2019. He serves on the Small Business Committee, where he is Chair of the Subcommittee on Underserved, Agricultural and Rural Business Development and a member of the Contracting and Infrastructure Subcommittee. He also serves on the Armed Services Committee, where he sits on the subcommittees for Seapower & Projection Forces and Tactical Air & Land Forces.
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District offices: Bangor: (207) 249-7400; Caribou: (207) 492-6009; Lewiston: (207) 241-6767; D.C.: (202) 225-6306.
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Maine Government

I want to find...
Janet T. Mills (D)
Janet Mills was sworn in as Maine’s 75th governor on Jan. 2, 2019. She is the first woman to hold this position.
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Maine House of Representatives
There are 151 representatives in the Maine House, which is led by House Speaker Ryan Fecteau (D).
2 State House Station
Augusta, ME 04333
(207) 287-1400
Maine Senate
There are 35 senators in the Maine Senate, which is led by Senate President Troy Jackson (D).
3 State House Station
Augusta ME, 04333
(207) 287-1540
How do I…
Look up a bill?
Easily track state legislation?
Find out how my legislators voted on a bill?
Find out on which committees my legislators serve?
Learn how a bill becomes law in Maine?
Testify at or attend a public legislative hearing?
Find out about the activities of other Maine activists?
Learn to run for office as a progressive candidate?
Find a copy of the Maine State Constitution?
Register to Vote
- Must be a citizen of the United States.
- Must be at least 18 years of age by election day.
- Must have established and maintain a voting residence in the municipality where you seek to register. Find more on residency requirements (including policies related to college students) on the Maine Secretary of State’s website.
- Maine has same-day voter registration, so there is no deadline to register in person.
Not registered? Visit your town office or download a registration form from the Secretary of State website, complete it and return it to your town registrar.
Not sure if you’re registered? Call your local registrar to find out.