Call to Action Archive
Suit Up Maine’s current calls to actions (C2As) can be found on our homepage, but past C2A can be viewed here in our archive by topics. For more information on the specific issues and the working groups that produce them, click on the issue headers below.
#FakeEmergency: Tell Congress to Override Trump’s Veto
Trump’s #FakeEmergency attempts to snatch Congress’s power of the purse, funding from military construction projects, and citizens’ private land, despite evidence that no emergency exists. Both the House and Senate have passed a bill to repeal the emergency declaration.
QUICK ACTION: Thank our Maine MoC for voting to uphold Congress’s constitutional authority, and ask them to urge more fellow legislators to join them in overriding Trump’s expected veto.
NO FOX IN THE HEN HOUSE: Oppose Andrew Wheeler for EPA Director
UPDATE 2/28: Andrew Wheeler was confirmed by the Senate 52-47, with both Maine senators voting NO. Former coal lobbyist and acting EPA director Andrew Wheeler has been nominated by Trump to take over the position permanently. The Senate could vote on his confirmation as early as THIS WEEK.
END THE SHUTDOWN: Pass a Clean CR to Re-Open Government
The Senate will vote Thursday on two bills to re-open the government: One would fund Trump’s border wall and block asylum requests from children from some Central American countries and the other is a clean continuing resolution the Senate already passed 100-0.
QUICK ACTION: Tell Collins and King to pass a clean CR and re-open the government now!
TAKE CARE OF BUSINESS: Tell legislators to finish what they started
All but 2 House Republicans forced an early end to the legislative session in mid-April by refusing to extend the session by 5 days so that the Legislature could finish its work. The Legislature returns Wednesday, May 2, to vote on a number of bills recently vetoed by the governor and another vote to extend the session. QUICK ACTION: If your legislator voted no before, call her/him ASAP and demand a YES vote on an extension so they can finish what they started.
HANDS OFF OUR PAYCHECKS: Oppose Minimum Wage Reductions
Republican legislators in Augusta are again thwarting the will of the voters by rushing through a reduction of the minimum wage and an ageist sub-minimum wage for teens.
UPDATE: LD 1757 is legislatively dead, but Gov LePage and Republican legislators are threatening to hold other unresolved issues hostage by refusing to extend the legislative session unless a minimum wage rollback is passed.
TAXES IN MAINE: Approve Democrats’ amendment to tax conformity
Gov. LePage’s tax bill would slash taxes for corporations and the wealthy while leaving the state unable to fund important initiatives. Democrats have offered an amendment that supports working families. UPDATE 4/19: Republicans chose to leave Augusta before their work was done. A special session may be called by House and Senate leadership. Stay tuned for updates. QUICK ACTION: Contact your legislators and tell them you expect them to finish the work we sent them to Augusta to do, including voting YES on the majority amendment for LD 1655.
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Trump’s ACA sabotage tactics include halving the open enrollment period, and slashing the marketing and outreach budget. Help Mainers know that the new enrollment period is open NOW, and will end on Dec. 15.
Trump’s new “religious freedom” executive order allows employers to deny contraception coverage if the employer claims a moral or religious objection, opening the floodgates to discrimination in the name of religion. Submit a public comment to HHS through the ACLU, and send a message to health insurers through Ultraviolet’s petition.
KILL THE BILL…AGAIN: Oppose Graham-Cassidy (Trumpcare 6.0)
The Senate GOP is once again threatening to take health coverage away from millions of Americans, gut Medicaid and end guaranteed protections for people with pre-existing conditions. Call, fax, email, Tweet, share Suit Up Maine graphics and show up until Sens. King and Collins issue statements opposing Graham-Cassidy.
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