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Call to Action Archive

Suit Up Maine’s current calls to actions (C2As) can be found on our homepage, but past C2A can be viewed here in our archive by topics. For more information on the specific issues and the working groups that produce them, click on the issue headers below.

PROTECT OUR WATERS: Oppose Trump’s “Dirty Water Rule”

PROTECT OUR WATERS: Oppose Trump’s “Dirty Water Rule”

The Trump administration has proposed widespread rollbacks to clean water protections, jeopardizing wetlands and drinking water for nearly half a million Mainers and millions of Americans. There’s just one week left to submit a public comment! QUICK ACTION: Submit a public comment opposing the rollbacks by April 15.

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RELEASE THE REPORT: Demand the full Mueller report and attend an April 4 protest

RELEASE THE REPORT: Demand the full Mueller report and attend an April 4 protest

Congressional leaders from both parties have called on AG William Barr to release the full, unredacted Mueller report to Congress. So far, he has refused, offering instead to make a redacted version public by mid-April.
QUICK ACTION: Attend one of 9 #ReleaseTheReport protests in Maine on April 4 and ask your members of Congress to call Barr to testify before Congress if he refuses to give them the full report.

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17 Reasons Why We Don’t Need a Wall

17 Reasons Why We Don’t Need a Wall

When Congress rebuffed his border wall demands for a third time, Trump made an end-run around them by declaring a national emergency. While all lawmakers agree that we can improve our border security, the case for wasting billions of taxpayer dollars on an ineffective vanity project steeped in racial animus is as thin as tissue paper. We’ll show you why.

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The Maine Legislature is back in Augusta Monday to vote on veto overrides on 36 bills rejected by LePage last week—including a bill to fund Medicaid expansion and a ban on the harmful practice of conversion therapy—and to continue debate on bills to release clean elections funding and tax conformity. QUICK ACTION: Learn more about the bills and call your legislators TODAY and let them know how you want them to vote! 

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Maine voters approved ranked choice voting in 2016 and the courts have ruled that the process can be used in the June primaries, but the fight to keep RCV is not over.
QUICK ACTION: On June 12 vote YES on Question 1 to tell the legislature that the people of Maine veto their repeal of ranked choice voting. UPDATE 6/12: Question 1 passed by 54% and will be in place for the Congressional elections in November!

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TRAIN. RUN. WIN. Apply for Emerge Maine Class of 2019

TRAIN. RUN. WIN. Apply for Emerge Maine Class of 2019

The number of progressive women running for office in Maine and around the country is breaking records, thanks in part to programs like Emerge Maine that train women how to run for office.
QUICK ACTION: Apply for the 2019 Emerge Maine class and join the ranks of women working to change the political landscape.

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ADA ACCESSIBILITY ROLLBACKS: Protect the Americans with Disabilities Act

ADA ACCESSIBILITY ROLLBACKS: Protect the Americans with Disabilities Act

A bill that would roll back accessibility rules required by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) passed the House last week–with Rep. Poliquin voting YES–and is headed to the Senate.
QUICK ACTION: Call Poliquin to protest his vote and call Sens. Collins and King and tell them to oppose any attempt to bring the bill for a vote.

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CHIP: Pass Clean Reauthorization NOW

CHIP: Pass Clean Reauthorization NOW

The reauthorization of CHIP is now being used as a bargaining tactic in the debate over the government shutdown. A vote is expected on Jan. 22 that may resolve the issue.
UPDATE: As part of a bipartisan deal, CHIP has been reauthorized for six years.

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TRUMP TAX SCAM: Health Care Edition

TRUMP TAX SCAM: Health Care Edition

To pay for tax cuts for corporations and the rich, the Senate tax plan will slash Medicaid and Medicare funding and repeal the ACA individual mandate, likely leading to a collapse of the health care markets. Call Sen. Collins (202-224-2523) and tell her to vote NO on any tax bill that cuts health care to fund tax cuts to the rich.

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