Call to Action Archive
Suit Up Maine’s current calls to actions (C2As) can be found on our homepage, but past C2A can be viewed here in our archive by topics. For more information on the specific issues and the working groups that produce them, click on the issue headers below.
Customs and Border Patrol Agents are increasingly stopping motorists and bus passengers in Maine to question their immigration status.
QUICK ACTION: Know what to do if you encounter these agents, and help others to know their rights.
FARM BILL 2018: Support Bipartisan Senate Plan, Oppose House Plan
The House narrowly passed its farm bill that was drafted behind closed doors cuts food assistance and gives massive subsidies to the rich. The Senate passed it’s own bipartisan plan that helps farmers without robbing millions of Americans of their vital food assistance. The bill now goes to conference. QUICK ACTION: Tell your MoCs to preserve the protections in the Senate bill and to vote NO on any version that hurts the poor and the environment.
HOUSE IMMIGRATION BILLS: Reject All Partisan Bills
The hardline Goodlatte bill and the Ryan bill are dead. The House may make one more partisan attempt at an immigration bill that would replace family separation with indefinite family detention.
QUICK ACTION: Tell your House reps: we reject all partisan immigration bills!
RENEWABLE ENERGY: Go Green in Your Home or Business
Many of Maine’s utility companies offer residential and business electricity customers the option to switch some or all of their electricity to a green power source. Choose the option that best suits your home, business or nonprofit, to maximize demand of clean, renewable energy, while reducing your carbon footprint.
SAVE THE SOLAR BILL: Urge an Override of LePage’s Veto
The Maine Legislature will vote Thursday, July 20, to override Gov. LePage’s veto of the popular and bipartisan solar bill LD 1504. Thank legislators who voted in support of the bill and ask them to hold strong, and urge those who voted against LD 1504 to support it now.
MAINE EDUCATION FUNDING: Tell Legislature to Honor Will of the Voters
Republicans in the legislature are balking at the voters’ repeated demand that the state fund 55% of the public school budget. Demand that the will of the voters be heard by attending the Fund Our Damn Schools rally in Augusta on Wednesday, May 31 and contacting your legislators to make sure they know that 55% state funding is critical to our state’s future.
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