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Trump’s ACA sabotage tactics include halving the open enrollment period, and slashing the marketing and outreach budget. Help Mainers know that the new enrollment period is open NOW, and will end on Dec. 15.

SUM Health Care, Reproductive Rights, & Disability Rights Working Group C2A


Are you currently enrolled or planning to enroll in marketplace coverage? Here’s what you need to know:

  • The 2018 enrollment is from November 1st – December 15th.
  • Make an appointment for in-person enrollment assistance on
  • If you are having difficulty finding in-person assistance or are denied marketplace or     MaineCare coverage or subsidies, contact Maine Consumers for Affordable Health Care (CAHC) at 1-800-965-7476.
  • If you are having difficulties with the website, call 1-800-318-2596. Be sure to record the date, time and person you talked to.
  • Do not count on the automatic re-enrollment process for 2018, which may not occur until after open enrollment ends on December 15th.  Review all plans, as this year due to CSR insurance subsidies ending, Silver Plans may not be the cheapest option.


  1. Print these flyers and share in your community, including in libraries, medical offices, places of worship, coffee shops, PSA for local radio stations, and local small businesses.  Here is a radio interview with Kate Ende from Consumers for Affordable Health Care, thanks to Rachel Albury and  Jo and Cheech’s Radio Hour and WRFR 93.3FM in Rockland. Feel free to share with credit!
  2. Blanket social media with this graphic!