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How to Talk About Indian-Themed Mascots
In collaboration with representatives from the Penobscot Nation, we’ve compiled the most common arguments made by those who want to keep these offensive mascots, with suggestions for ways to respond.
The US Supreme Court has overturned Roe v Wade. Abortion is now illegal in 13 states and at least 13 more are poised to ban abortion in the coming weeks and months. Find out how to protect yourself and those you care about and fight for abortion rights in a post-Roe nation.
2022 is set to be a record-breaking year for legislation targeting transgender people, with most of the more than 240 anti-LGBTQ bills introduced this year targeting trans people. Learn how to cut through the bigoted anti-trans spin and be a better ally.
After every mass shooting tragedy, gun safety opponents turn to the same tired excuses and weak arguments. We have what you need to debunk their spin.
Check out our list of the most powerful gun violence statistics and find rebuttals to common arguments against gun safety legislation.
EARTH DAY EVERY DAY: Easy tips to help the planet
On April 22 the World will celebrate the 52nd anniversary of Earth Day. From saying no-thanks to single-use disposable products to learning better recycling hygiene, our list of more than 50 lifestyle changes compiled in partnership with various environmental groups offers easy and creative ways for your family to live lighter on the planet by celebrating Earth Day every day.
DO THIS, NOT THAT: Stop The Spread of False Information on Social Media
Hoaxes, fabricated stories, and misinformation spread like wildfire on social media sites. Learn how to identify false stories, report hoaxes, correct inaccuracies and #ProtectTheTruth with eight powerful tips.
Federal Government
Complete contact info on Congress, track bills, committees, and more.
Maine Legislature Roundup
Track bills in the Maine Legislature, find contact info for your legislators, and more.
Best ways to reach your Members of Congress
Email? Phone? Fax? Social media? Policy staff offer the best ways to reach your MoCs.
Do This, Not That
Stop the Spread of False Information on Social Media.